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Build online shops up to 1 billion items that respond in 100ms using the Aimeos framework and ElasticSearch



extremely scalable

From one pro­duct to 1 bil­lion pro­ducts and more, Aimeos scales almost in­fini­te­ly!

You can start small, keep­ing your ini­tial costs low and scale as your busi­ness grows to #giga­commerce and be­yond us­ing the same plat­form.


Aimeos is high per­for­mance for your on­line shop!

No matter how many pro­ducts your on­line shop con­tains, your cus­to­mers will see a res­ponse im­medi­ate­ly. From a few 100ms with­out cach­ing down to 40ms with cach­ing.

extremly flexible

Your planned e-com­merce app­li­cation has a lot of non-stan­dard re­quire­ments?

The Aimeos com­po­nents are built for adapt­ing every sin­gle as­pect and add­ing cus­tom fea­tures with­out los­ing the abi­lit­y to up­date the sys­tem.

complex B2B

Our port­folio con­tains ex­ten­sions es­pecial­ly de­sign­ed for com­plex B2B sys­tems in­clud­ing cus­to­mer spe­ci­fic pric­ing, VAT hand­ling and in­her­it­ance of shared site data.

For more in­for­ma­tion: Our Aimeos ex­ten­sions

easy to integrate

Using the avail­able Aimeos pack­ages, you can add e-commerce to your exist­ing web app­li­cat­ion with­in five minu­tes.

Get a pro­fess­ional, full-fea­tured and high qual­i­ty e-com­merce sys­tem not only suit­able for shops now!

market places

We offer an ex­ten­sion to turn Aimeos into a fea­ture-rich market place plat­form. Participate in the sales of your part­ners re­gard­less of how com­plex the setup for your in­dus­try has to be.

More in­for­ma­tion about the market place ex­ten­sion

works with

Available for


Most popular PHP framework world wide due to it's speed, ease of use and vibrant community


The full-featured OSS enterprise content management system many big companies trust in


Rock solid PHP framework which is used as base by numerous successful web applications


How it works

Which hard- and software is required?

  • 8+ CPU Cores
  • 16+ GB RAM
  • 500GB SSD
  • Aimeos 2018.10+
  • Ext: ai-elastic
  • ElasticSearch 5+

test it

Try yourself

Test our live demo yourself!

Our demo is a full-featured online shop system including product catalog, basket and checkout and more

Want to install it yourself?

We offer potential customers and media partners / bloggers to test our #gigacommerce extension themselves

ask us


There are more questions regarding Aimeos or our #gigacommerce extension?

We are always ready for answering them!